Monday, May 26, 2014

The Universe Had Its Own Ideas

Saturday I quickly finished all my errands so I could go to ClaySpace. I have started a new sculpture that was calling my name. Unfortunately as I was pulling up to my house, there was a fire truck in front of my house and a fire marshall's car in my driveway. The roofer working on the house across the street had set the roof on fire with a torch. Thankfully no one was hurt, but I could not leave my house for nearly three hours. I had to carry my groceries from my car which was parked several houses down from mine. Melissa and Joe, the owners of the home, were incredibly calm. Melissa even joked about how the saga of the fallen tree (put a hole in their roof last year) was never going to end. At one point, I think every boy in my neighborhood was standing in front of my house watching all the activity across the street. Exciting times but not much creativity.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! So glad that no one was hurt. I hope the damage was minimal and will be repaired in full very soon.


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